Friday 1 June 2012

Steve jobs never programmed!

We all know the fact that Steve Jobs,the co-founder and ex-CEO of Apple.Inc has passed away recently on Oct 5,2011.Now how many of you know about the death of the inventor of  ’C’ and “UNIX”?
Steve Jobs undoubtedly uplifted the Apple when it was in crysis.But in what way do you guys think he has uplifted the company to the present level?Has he programmed any of the innovations of Apple ? Not even a single one is the answer!!Jobs was never a programmer.We all know that he was a dropout from the college.Now there is no way he had knowledge on programming.He was mostly the design guy, back when Apple was founded. Steve Wozniak was the main programmer. And people sometimes discuss about Jobs vs Gates ,which has a neat and clear answer and not worth of an arguement.Because Bill Gates was initially a programmer who laid basic pavement to build Microsoft where as Jobs was a designer.

According to Walter Issacson,who was the official Biography writer of Jobs,he stated that Jobs was a short tempered person who was very much strict at workplace and even wouldn’t mind removing people from there posts in shear anger!He would tell to a programmer who was programming all the night that whatever code he had written was full of non-sense and has no worth!

Let us see what Raskin,main programmer at Apple says,
“What I proposed was a computer [the Macintosh] that would be easy to use, mix text and graphics, and sell for about $1,000.  Steve Jobs said that it was a crazy idea, that it would never sell, and we didn’t want anything like it.  He tried to shoot the project down.
So I kept out of Jobs’ way and went the then-chairman Mike Markkula and talked over every detail of my idea.  Fortunately, both Markkula and then-president Mike Scott told Jobs to leave me alone.

We went off to a different building and built prototypes of the Macintosh and its software, and got it up and running [...] We were trying to keep the project away from Jobs’ meddling.  For the first two years, Jobs wanted to kill the project because he didn’t understand what it was really about.

If Jobs would only take credit for what he really did for the industry, that would be more than enough  But he also insists on taking credit away from everyone else for what they did, which I think is very unfortunate.

I was very much amused by the recent Newsweek article where he said, “I have a few good designs in me still”.  He never had any designs.  He has not designed a single product.  Woz (Steve Wozniak) designed the Apple II.  Ken Rothmuller and others designed Lisa.  My team and I designed the Macintosh.  Wendell Sanders designed the Apple III.  What did Jobs design?  Nothing.

We all know what the buzz was like when the death of Jobs occured.Even not being the backbone of Mac(In stead, Jobs’ only contribution to the Macintosh project was to try unsuccessfully to cancel it)his death was regretted by many legends around the globe including Gates.And many people put Jobs pic as their profile pic in Facebook and updated many statuses which boasts about his achievements.But there is no one who has posted a single word on the death of the inventor of the “C” and “UNIX”,Dennis Ritche.Without him there is no Mac nor Windows.In short,
Without Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) we would have:
No iProducts
No over expensive laptops
Without Dennis Ritchie (September 9, 1941 – October 12, 2011) we would have:
No Windows
No Unix
No C
No Programs
A large setback in computing
No Generic-text Languages.
We would all read in Binary..
They died in the same year and the same month but it seems only few notice the death of Dennis Ritchie compared to Steve Jobs.   



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