Sunday 2 September 2012

Ten Tips to Communicate Effectively in English

It is essential to communicate effectively in English so that people belonging to different regions, states, and countries are able to interact without constraints. To communicate effectively and more confidently, enrolling in an English course can be beneficial, but there are several other ways to improve your communication skills.

1. Learning the script

To enhance your communication skills, it helps to be able to read and write in the language. Listening to spoken English will definitely improve your own communication skills, but reading and writing the language will also help. Communication is both verbal and written. Practicing both aspects will make you more confident and fluent.

2. Use English Whenever Possible

Improvement in any language depends mainly on its usage. Try to converse in English whenever possible even if you flounder through and make mistakes. Fluency increases with regular use and also helps overcome existing flaws.

3. Knowledge Of Grammar

To learn a language, proper knowledge of grammar is necessary. One feels encouraged if a sentence, verbal or written, is framed in a correct manner. This will also help in proper communication without any misunderstanding, which may arise due to grammatical errors or incorrect punctuation. Start communicating with small and simple sentences and after gaining confidence, shifting to complex sentences is easier.

4. Reading

Reading books and newspapers in English is a great way of improving your communication skills. Your vocabulary increases and one can better understand the language. Reading familiarizes you with different styles of expression, thus increasing your knowledge of the nuances of the language.

5. Translations

Try to translate your feelings into English whenever communicating with others. This will help to overcome shyness and increase confidence. Constant practice at this will make you reach a point when you will not feel any need of translation and thus gain command over the language.

6. Confidence

It may be difficult to converse regularly in English, but do not stop. By practicing regularly you gain confidence and having confidence in one’s own ability is the most positive point in life. Do not take criticism to heart or be nervous while speaking. As long as your practice constantly and make an effort, it will definitely pay off.

7. Handouts

Make use of handouts or worksheets to improve your English. Practicing the exercises specially designed for increasing fluency and getting them assessed by subject experts is a great way of learning your weak points and improving on them.

8. Listening

Listening entails actually listening to English music or radio shows, as well as watching English movies and programs. Just hearing the language being spoken will familiarize you with different tones, accents, stressing on different words and other expressive nuances. Something as easy as turning on the news in English as you are getting ready for work in the morning, can be highly effective as the constant stream in the background will gradually become engrained in your mind.

9. Socializing

It is difficult to learn and become fluent in a language unless you mix with regular speakers of the language. Mingling with people who are already well versed in English will compel you to communicate with them and even if you make mistakes, they will gradually fade away as you listen and speak more frequently.

10. Challenge

Apart from all the above-mentioned tips, if you treat communicating in English as a challenge, then nothing can stop you. Overcoming obstacles, whether nervousness or constant mistakes, will be part of the process, but feasible if you are focused. Even conversing in English for fifteen minutes in a day can do wonders.


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